Michael O'Keefe

Engineer | Designer | Developer


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Michael recently graduated with Honors and a 3.75 major GPA from the University of Washington with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science & Software Engineering.

During his years at University, Michael implemented Parallel I/O functionality for the Multi-Agent Spatial Simulation Library, started the Cross Reality Collaboration Sandbox, an AR/VR networking platform that became a semi-finalist in the 2017 Microsoft Imagine Cup, and completed a Software Engineering Internship that led to a full-time offer.

Since graduation, Michael has worked professionally as Full-Stack Software Engineer, shipped a Desktop application used by companies such as Tableau and Salesforce, co-authored a paper published by the IEEE that describes a new XR analysis framework, and consecutively won two Seattle Virtual Reality Hackathons hosted by the University of Washington.

Above all, Michael is enthusiastic about Software Engineering and strives always to produce clean, modular, well-tested, and efficient code. He is a firm believer in teamwork, passion, humility, and putting care into one's craft. His goal as a Software Engineer is to build platforms and content that help others and make people smile!
